The SAINT PAUL HOMEBREWERS CLUB (SPHBC) was formed in 1998 by Curt Stock and Gary Hipple. Annual membership now consists of nearly sixty home brewers from the Twin Cities as well as members farther afield.
In 2007, 2008, and again in 2009 we ranked #1 in the nation for homebrew clubs based on points gained in Club-Only Competitions and the National Homebrew Competition.
Though the club is based in Saint Paul, membership is open to brewers regardless of residence. We typically meet the first Tuesday of the month to share homebrew, discuss homebrewing, share information, openly converse, and most importantly, provide honest feedback on each others beer. Special events are sometimes held on weekends, such as big brew days, at which several members will brew on our club system and then split the 20 gallons of wort (unfermented beer) between participants. Membership to the club is $20 per year payable at the start of the year. Think $20 is too much? Be an active member of the club and you can earn discounted membership the following year PLUS get many exclusive club discounts.
To stay notified of upcoming events, it is best to join the club and subscribe to our club mailing list. Events will be published on this website as well, but often it is quicker to receive it via e-mail.
SAINT PAUL HOMEBREWERS CLUB is an AHA registered club and it meets monthly. All homebrewers and those who want to know more about homebrewing are welcome.
If you would like to e-mail the Saint Paul Hombrewers Club, please direct it to