NHC First Round Sort 3/31

Many hands make light work …

The bottle sort for first round is set for Saturday, March 31st, at 9 a.m. at Northern Brewer headquarters in Roseville (https://tinyurl.com/NBheadquarters).

Any help is appreciated and no experience is necessary as there will be hundreds of entries which need to be carefully and lovingly sorted in preparation for judging (Friday, April 13th, and Saturday, April 14th, at Summit Brewing in St. Paul).

Go Big (Brew) …

Come check out the Big Brew system, hang out, and drink some homebrew with us!

Saturday, March 3rd.  The strike water will start heating up at about 9am for a Kölsch.

Bring something to drink and something to snack on, and a seat if you so choose.  Come late, leave early or stay the entire time.  Come dressed in Michigan Maize and Blue!

Address is 1969 Jefferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105.

Results Are In … Midwinter ’18

2018 Midwinter Homebrew Competition

February 16th & 17th
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Aric Dahl, Third Place, Category 1D – American Wheat Beer
Paul Fowler, Second Place, Category 4A – Munich Helles
Dave Bance, Second Place Category 9A -Dark/Strong European
Joe Gerteis, Third Place, Category 11A – Ordinary Bitter
James Cotner, Second Place, Category 20C – Imperial Stout
Dave Bance, Third Place, Category 21B2 – Black IPA
Jeremy Olsen, First Place, Category M2E – Melomel
Paul Fowler, Third Place, Category M2E – Melomel
Adrian Eastwick, First Place, Category 19B  – California Common

All Results:

Results Are In … Brew Ha Ha ’18

2018 Great Northern Brew Ha Ha

February 9th & 10th
Duluth, Minnesota

Paul Fowler, Third Place, Category 3 – Pale, Amber and Dark European Lagers
Dave Bance, Second Place, Category 5 – Amber European Bitter and British Bitter
Ron Fitch, Third Place, Category 9 – Pale American Ale
Ron Fitch, Second Place, Category 12 – American Porter and Stout
Tyler Miller, Second Place, Category 17 – Spice Beer
Aric Daul, Second Place, Category 22 – Standard Cider and Perry

All Results:

Results Are In … Mashout ’18

2018 Minnesota Mashout Results

January 26th & 27th
Summit Brewing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota


Sean Sonnabend, First Place, Category 7 – Proper Bittas
Tyler Miller,  Third Place, Category 8 – Small Brown Jobbers
James Henjum, First Place, Category 9 – Scottish and Irish Ales
David Merz, First Place, Category 10 – Buncha Stouts
Aric Daul, Third Place, Category 16 – US Amberrrrrrrrrr
Sean Sonnabend, First Place, Category 19 – IPA IPA IPA IPA IPA IPA
William Richartz, First Place, Category 23 – All Wheats Small And Smaller
William Richartz, Second Place, Category 23 – All Wheats Small And Smaller
William Richartz, Third Place, Category 24 – Weird America
Steve Piatz, First Place, Category 26 – Euro Wild N Crazy Guys
William Richartz,   Second Place, Category 26 – Euro Wild N Crazy Guys
Mike Spores,  Second Place, Category 28 – Fruits N Fruitsen Frootzn
William Richartz, Third Place, Category 33 – Alternative Worse Ideas
Ron Fitch,  Second Place, Category 34 – US Stout And Not Brown IPAs
David Merz, Third Place, Category 38 – Saison That Are Probably Too Sweet

Steve Fletty, Second Place, Category 41 – Trads Baby
Amanda Neisch,  Second Place, Category 42 – Apples & Grapes Oh Myyyyy
Steve Fletty, Third Place, Category 42 – Apples & Grapes Oh Myyyyy
Christopher Skottegard , First Place, Category 43 – Berries Not Barry’s
Christopher Skottegard,  Second Place, Category 43 – Berries Not Barry’s
Paul Fowler, First Place, Category 44 – Stoned Fruit,
Jeremy Olsen,  Second Place, Category 44 – Stoned Fruit,
Steve Fletty,  Second Place, Caterogy 45 – Take This Mead And SHV It
Christopher Skottegard, First Place, Category 46 – Bad And Worse Ideas
Jeremy Olsen, Second Place, Category 46 – Bad And Worse Ideas
Ross Winberg, Second Place, Category 47 – New World
Jeremy Olsen, Third Place, Category 48 – Cooler Ciders
Amanda Neisch,  Second Place, Category 49 – Ciders With Stuff Chucked In
All Results:

2018 AHA First Round is in St. Paul!

Call to all judges and stewards.

The dates and times for the American Homebrewers Association (AHA) National Homebrew Competition for the Saint Paul first round site have been set.

Location is Summit Brewing:

910 Montreal Cir., St. Paul, MN 55102

Dates and Times:

Friday 4/13/18: 1, 3 & 6:30 PM
Dinner for volunteers doing the 3 & 6:30 sessions

Saturday 4/14/18: 9 am, 1 & 3 PM
Lunch for volunteers doing the 9 & 1 sessions.

To sign up, go to:

(link opens in a new page)

March Meeting 3/6/18

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

March Style
Do you like light, refreshing beers? Then you will hate the March meeting of SPHBC. We will devote it to a single style, imperial stouts. There will be a brief intro to the style followed by some pointers on judging. Then we will distribute examples for tasting and evaluation in small groups. There will be a very simplified score sheet to help with the judging. This is an opportunity to taste great imperial stouts, to refresh (or initiate) your judging skills, and to see how your perceptions compare to others. Of course there will be time for whatever home brew you want to bring to share and get feedback.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meetings in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).  Again, thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring a homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.

Remember that the next “Brew the Style” challenge is Kölsch (BJCP 5B) for the May meeting … if you have something good, get brewing.