Tuesday, September 1st, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m. Zoomin’ it once again.
Pick up your favorite Octoberfest/Oktoberfect beer/bier or two and have it ready for the meeting (bonus points if you grab something from one of our fine, local tap rooms. We’ll have a chat about the style, what all y’all think hits the mark and what doesn’t (SPHBC is nothing if not brutally honest).
Make a snack, too. Why not?
Meeting information will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list sometime soon. Or closer to the date of the meeting. Regardless, look at your email messages for it.
The August 2020 meeting will again be online (Zoom).
Pretty much an open agenda for this one. Obviously, it is BYOB. Make a snack, too. Why not?
Meeting information will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list sometime soon. Or closer to the date of the meeting. Regardless, look at your email messages for it.
The next meeting will again be online, Tuesday, July 7th, at 7:00 p.m.
We are going to have a group tasting of the Mead Day mead from last August, a a cinnamon vanilla mead that Jeremy bottled for this meeting.
The mead pick-up and meeting information will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list sometime soon. Or closer to the date of the meeting. Regardless, look at your email messages for it.
It’s June are we are all still keeping our distance.
The next meeting will again be online, Tuesday, June 2nd, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting information will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list sometime soon. Or closer to the date of the meeting. Regardless, look at your email messages for it.
It’s nearly May and the grass is greening, the birds are chirping and SPHBC is social distancing.
The May meeting will be a virtual one, via Zoom. Details to come.
Tuesday, May 5th, 7 p.m., wherever you are (as long as you have a good internet connection). Zoom meeting specifics was sent to SPHBCers via the group email on Tuesday.
Not a club member? Not a problem! Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so. Often followed by a trip to a local establishment, if’n folks are inclined.
This meeting: Tuesday, March 3rd, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!
March Meeting Agenda It’s a test! A test of your senses. Word has it that there will be a hop sensory session and discussion.
Plus more beer and mead and cider and taradiddle and senselessness. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.
Location Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (you DID renew your membership fo 2020, right?). And Northern Brewer will honor your SPHBC discount, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting.
Thank you Northern Brewer!
Other Stuff As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes. Leave your ego at home.
February 7th and 8th Revere’s Wells Street Tavern, Delafield, Wisconsin
Mead Best of Show: Steve Fletty – Melomel, All The Passions
Beers: Dave Bance – First, Table 7: British/Commonwealth Beer, Pride of Woodbury (12B: Australian Sparkling Ale)
Meads: Steve Fletty – Second, Table 30: Stone Fruit Mead, Cerise (M2D: Stone Fruit Mead) Steve Fletty – First, Table 31: Melomel, All The Passions (M2E: Melomel) Steve Fletty – Third, Table 32: Fruit and Spice Mead, Sergio (3A: Fruit and Spice Mead)
Mark your calendars and roll up your sleeves – St. Paul is once again one of the first round sites for the American Homebrewer Association National Homebrew Competition. Judges and Stewards will be needed!
Judging Sessions: Friday, March 13th (sessions at 1 p.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.) Saturday, March 14th (sessions at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.) Location: Summit Brewing’s wonderful Beer Hall in St. Paul (map: https://tinyurl.com/SummitBrewingCompany)
January 24th and 25th, 2020 at Summit Brewing, St. Paul, Minnesota
Beers: Ross Winberg (Co-Brewer: Robb Stephens) – First, Table 5: Pils, Kleine Pils Und Hil Yis Pils! Paul Fowler – First, Table 6: Schrödinger’s Bocks Asa Bielenberg – Second, Table 8: Dark Blackish Lagers Dave Bance – First, Table 9: #megxitMegxitMEGXIT Dave Bance – Third, Table 10: Small Brown Jobbers Ron Fitch – Second, Table 14: Beer Styles Trump Hates David Mertz – Second, Table 18: Ipas For People That Are Bored Aric Daul – Second, Table 22: I Like This Style Like I Like My Men David Mertz – Third, Table 22: I Like This Style Like I Like My Men Douglass Johnson – Second, Table 23: Hopefully Not Booch
Meads: Guillermo Marques (Co-Brewer: Steve Fletty, Amanda Neisch) – HM, Table 35: Sour Grapes Paul Fowler – First, Table 36: Flower Ovaries Paul Fowler – Third, Table 37: Stoned Fruit Steve Fletty – Second, Table 38: Sideshow Mels Amanda Neisch (Co-Brewer: Guillermo Marques) – HM, Table 40: Keep Your Brazilian, All I Need Is a little Shv Jeremy Olsen – Second, Table 41: Apples, Burnt Sugar And Made Up Stories Steve Fletty – Second, Table 42: Meadtails & Hateraide