January 2020 Meeting

Not a club member? No problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so. Often followed by a trip to a local establishment, if’n folks are inclined.

This meeting: Tuesday, January 7th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

January Meeting Agenda
It’s the January Club Style Challenge … Porters!

Bring your Porters, bring your recipes, bring your notes and palate … because we are sampling the Porters you and others brewed and bring to this meeting.

Plus, discussion of the 2020 Minnesota Mashout (https://mashout.org/), the competition organized by the Saint Paul Homebrew Club. Get an idea of how the competition is run, opportunities and benefits of volunteering, plans Mashout for speakers and events.

Plus more beer and mead and folly and foppery. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

December 2019 Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

Tuesday, December 3rd! 7:00 pm. – 9:00 p.m.

December Meeting Agenda
It’s a derned ol’ Club Potluck!

So bring something to share … but it cannot be homebrew, due to Minneapolis city codes (yup, we’re taking this one over the river into Minneapolis).

The very good folks at Falling Knife Brewing are inviting us into their new brewery for this meeting. Best behavior, please. Tom and crew have been open a few months and will have great beers on tap, but won’t put up with any buffoonery nor silliness.

Falling Knife Brewing Co. is located in Northeast Minneapolis at 783 Harding Street N.E.
(map: https://tinyurl.com/fallingKnifeBrewingCo)

Other Stuff
Did we mention NO HOMEBREW allowed at the December meeting? It’s the law, man. Thanks.

November 2019 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, November 5th!

November Meeting Agenda
We’ll talk about entering competitions. What you have to declare, what information you can add, what kind of information you should keep off the entry, etc.

Bring your Hoppy Halloween scoresheets and entries, if you have not finished them off already. Coburn drinks free!

Plus more beer and mead and idiocy and silliness. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

October 2019 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, October 1st!

October Meeting Agenda
Sitting on a heap of apples in the cellar? Taking the kids to an orchard soon? This meeting might just be for you … a review of cider making!

Plus more beer and mead and foppery and silliness. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

September 2019 Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, September 3rd!

September Meeting Agenda
We’re gonna drink German Pils! Because that is the September club challenge, that’s why! So if you brewed it, bring it.

Plus more beer and mead and silliness and general wankery. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

July 2019 Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, July 2nd!

July Meeting Agenda
We will break out the off-flavor kit to test your senses.

And a recap of the AHA National Competition and Conference, from those who attended and were able to make it home (even if on bond or fleeing a warrant).

Plus, there will be beer and mead and frivolity and general wankery.

Moved to Bad Weather Brewing Company, 414 7th Street West, St. Paul (location: https://tinyurl.com/BadWeatherBrewing).

Thanks to Bad Weather for hosting SPBHC at the last minute.

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

June 2019 Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, June 4th!

June Meeting Agenda
Who knows? We sure do not. At least not yet.

For sure there will be beer and mead and frivolity and general wankery.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

May 2019 Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, May 7th!

May Meeting Agenda
The time has arrived! The Brut IPA club challenge is here.

Plus the usual devilry and waggery one comes to expect from certain unnamed individuals.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

April 2019 Club Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, April 2nd!

April Meeting Agenda
Not yet determined – probably some beer, some mead, some cider. Check back as we get closer to the date.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.