March 2019 Club Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, March 5th!

March Meeting Agenda
Since nature eschewed our efforts for a meeting in February (you damn, dirty month!), the agenda is pushed to March.

An off-flavor test. Bring your scoresheets from Mashout (and a bottle or two of entries, if you still have them) for celebration or commiseration.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

February 2019 Meeting

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, February 5th!
RESCHEDULED: Tuesday, February 12th
Cancelled (Again! Egads!) due to what is becoming the fourth snowiest February on record for Minnesota … apparently mostly falling on Tuesdays.

Stay tuned as we shovel our driveways and collect our thoughts.
Towel is officially thrown in … nature wins. No club meeting in February. See all y’all in March!

February Meeting Agenda
An off-flavor test. Bring your scoresheets from Mashout (and a bottle or two of entries, if you still have them) for celebration or commiseration.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

January 2019 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, January 15th!
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

January Meeting Agenda
Nothing yet set beyond the date and location (note that the January 2019 meeting is NOT the usual date for a meeting … scroll up to see the January meeting date).

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

December 2018 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, November 6th
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

December Meeting Agenda
This one is a Potluck!  Bring a non-sucky dish to share.

Bad Weather Brewing in St. Paul ( is kindly making space for our potluck/meeting this December.  Bad Weather will also be open, so bring some cash to try some of their wonderful beers.

Thank you Bad Weather Brewing!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

November 2018 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, November 6th
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

November Meeting Agenda
Calvin will be taking about Brut IPAs and we’ll be tasting a couple of commercial examples.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

October 2018 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, October 2nd
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

October Meeting Agenda
October’s meeting will include an off-flavor analysis.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

September 2018 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, September 4th
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

September Meeting Agenda
September is Brew to the Style “British Bitter.”  So if you brewed this style – either with the recipe that Jeremy provided – or your own take on the style, bring it to the meeting.  Northern Brewer will be providing a special mystery prize for the winner.

Ross will have honey from Worker B to sample.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meeting in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

August 2018 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday August 7th
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

August Meeting Agenda
We’ll be tasting what people made with the Able malt.

Able Seeding + Brewing (MPLS; malted some rye and graciously offered to share with local home brewers to use for a mini-competition that the brewery is hosting the weekend of July 28th-29th.  More than a few SPHBC members took advantage and will be bringing samples to share.

For those planning ahead, September is Brew to the Style “British Bitter.”  So get busy and bring your British Bitter to the September meeting.  There may even be a prize.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meetings in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Again, thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.

July 2018 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
(EGADS!  Yet another meeting date deviating from the SPHBC norm of the first Tuesday of the month)

Tuesday July 24th
7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

July Meeting Agenda
Paul Fowler will discuss his water “building” method using RO water.

There will be some different versions (made with different waters) of Aric’s golden bitter to sample.

We may even have a cameo by Rick Helps.

Back-slapping, high-fiving or kvetching and whining about AHA Nationals (likely a bit of both, regardless of outcome).

For those planning ahead, September is Brew to the Style “British Bitter.”  So get busy.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue ( is kindly keeping the door open for this meetings in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).

Again, thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.

June 2018 Meeting

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

A rare Wednesday Meeting for June 2018!

We’ll be at Sociable Cider Werks taproom on Wednesday, June 6th, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. for our June Club meeting.  This is in celebration of Minnesota Cider Week.  They evidently saw our 10 cider/perry entries advancing to second round of Nationals 🙂 and decided to invite us.  This will be a panel of brewers, winemakers and orchardists.
Yes, this is weird to have to sign up for a club meeting, but we’re their guests and it’s nice to RSVP.
Pints and food will be available for purchase at the event.  Please do not bring homebrew.
Hope to see you there!

Sociable Cider Werks
1500 Fillmore Street NE