(Nearly) Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.
This meeting: Tuesday, March 2nd.
Gonna be an online meeting via Zoom. Grab a beer or cider or mead. Or any combination of them. Grab your computer or tablet or phone and join up. We will be discussing meetings in the coming months, with temperatures rising, daylight extending and vaccinations well underway, the National AHA competition and the typical buffoonery and silliness with some actual information added. Drop in if and when you can.
Not a member but want to attend via Zoom? Put a note in the comments to this page with your name and email address and we will get the information to you (comments remain unpublished until approved by one of us, so we just won’t publish your information but will get the meeting information to you).
Club Members – Meeting information (Zoom meeting URL) will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list.