March 2025 Club Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, March 4th, 7 – 9 p.m.

We’ll be back at Falling Knife Brewing (thanks again, Tommy!).

It’s the March Brew the Style German Pils (5D) showdown. The winner gets a paid entry at a competition (fine print: this offer excludes the exorbitant entry fee for NHC) – last place takes possession of the “Beverage Belt” (literally a fanny pack that stores a 6-pack of cans) until the next Brew the Style, when they can brew something better and hand off the “belt.”

Tom will have a nice selection at Falling Knife as always, so bring your hard earned cash money.

Falling Knife Brewing:
783 Harding St NE #100, Minneapolis, MN 55413

Paying club dues is the hip new thing for 2025. The club gets to keep the lights on with mundane things like web hosting and replacement parts for the club gear. Back also this year, if you volunteered at a bottle sort, judged, stewarded, etc. at a competition, there’s a code for a $5 discount on next year’s dues (

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