Club Meetings

If you are not a member of the SPHBC, but are interested, you may join us for a meeting or two to see what we are about. SPHBC wants to make better brewers out of each member.

The club is focused on providing real constructive criticism about home brewed beer and view it in respect to BJCP guidelines for beer judging. Bring your homebrew and an open mind, we’ll provide the entertainment.

Meeting Guidelines

Meetings are generally held the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m.

Meeting locations are sent out to club members using the club email list and occasionally posted on Facebook/Twitter or this website ahead of time.  If you are a non-member wishing to attend a meeting, contact us using for the correct meeting location.

BYO glass, homebrew to share if you have any ready (encouraged, not required), tip well if we are at a public venue and be respectful of our host.  If you want comments on your beer, best to bring two bottles, and label them with a sticker or masking tape.  Bring the recipe and any notes you have about your beer.  Don’t expect us to help improve your beer if you don’t know what went into it

If you would like to e-mail the Saint Paul Hombrewers Club, please direct it to