Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.
This meeting: Tuesday, October 6th. Gonna be a hybrid meeting! Meet in a socially-distanced, outdoor setting (a.k.a. Jess’ patio in St. Paul, complete with electric heaters and lights) or attend via Zoom or go to Jess’ place and Zoom from there. Watch the club email list for details (Jess’ address and Zoom meeting information).
Not a member but want to attend either in person or via Zoom? Put a note in the comments to this page with your name and email address and we will get the information to you (comments remain unpublished until approved by one of us, so we just won’t publish your information but will get the meeting information to you).
Club Members – Meeting information (Zoom meeting address and Jess’ address) has been sent out to through the SPHBC email list.