The Results are In … Midwinter Brewing Competition 2022

Midwinter Brewing Competition logo.

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
February 15th-19th

Best of Show – Meads: Steve Fletty, Braggots Are Dumb, But Not This One

Steve Fletty, Third Place, Table 18 (Dry/Semi-Sweet Trads) – Estrella
Steve Fletty, First Place, Table 21 (Specialty Meads) – Braggots Are Dumb, But Not This One
Steve Fletty, First Place, Table 22 (Cyser/Pyment) – Chateau Fletty

Complete results:
(results open in new window)

February 2022 Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, February 1st, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

February Meeting Agenda
No set agenda this meeting, though there will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

January 2022 Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so. Often followed by a trip to a local establishment, if’n folks are inclined.

This meeting: Tuesday, January 4th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

January Meeting Agenda
No set agenda this meeting, though there will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

Cancelled – December 2021 Meeting (see you all in the new year)

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so. Often followed by a trip to a local establishment, if’n folks are inclined.

This meeting: Tuesday, December 7th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

December Meeting Agenda
No set agenda this meeting, though there will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

The Results are In … 2021 Minnesota Mashout

Judging Dates: October 2021 (Virtual)

Jeremy Olson, Second Place, Category 2 – Pilsy Things, Ein Bier
James Henjum, Second Place, Category 3 – Ambers and Dark Lagers, Traci’s Dunkel
James Henjum, Third Place, Category 3 – Ambers and Dark Lagers, Shelby’s Doppelbock
Dave Bance, First Place, Category 4 – Beers at Ofest, My Goodness, Mai Bock!
James Henjum, Second Place, Category 6 – Hoppy beer that’s actually still beer, Colby’s IPA
Aric Daul, Second Place, Category 8 – Brownish ales people don’t buy, Red Dawn
Richard Helps, First Place, Category 9 – Whats the strongest beer you have?, Deer Creek Barleywine
Richard Helps, Second Place, Category 9 – Whats the strongest beer you have?, Blufflander Wee
Dave Bance, Third Place, Category 9 – Whats the strongest beer you have?, Moustache Mountain
Aric Daul, Second Place, Category 8 – Sour, Funky, such and such, Brett Tripel
Richard Helps, First Place, Category 13 – Trappist…oh, wait, sorry, can’t call it Trappist, Revved Up
Garrick Van Buren, Third Place, Category 13 – Trappist…oh, wait, sorry, can’t call it Trappist, Village Single

Full Results:
(Opens in a new window)

The Results are In … 2021 Mazer Cup International Mead Competition

October 29th, 2021
Loveland, Colorado, USA

Steve Fletty, M2E: Melomel: Passionista

First Place:
Fruit Mead-Other Fruit-Semi-Sweet: Steve Fletty, Melomel: Passionista

Second Place:
Mead Specialty-Braggot: Steve Fletty, Farmhouse

Full results:
(opens in new window)

November 2021 Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so. Often followed by a trip to a local establishment, if’n folks are inclined.

This meeting: Tuesday, November 2nd, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

November Meeting Agenda
No set agenda this meeting, though there will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

October 2021 Meeting

Image of Drunky the Viking.
Image of Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so. Often followed by a trip to a local establishment, if’n folks are inclined.

This meeting: Tuesday, October 5th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

October Meeting Agenda
No set agenda this meeting, though there will be beer and mead and cider and typical tomfoolery. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

This one is at Aric’s home is Lauderdale. SPHBC members, check your email for information. If not a member and interested in attending, post a comment here – we won’t publish it but will use it to get the meeting information to you.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

The Results are in … 2021 Minnesota State Fair

Judging Dates: August 1st – 20th (Virtual)
Best of Show Judging: Week of August 23rd (Bent Brewstillery, Roseville, MN)

2021 Minn-kasi: Richard Helps, Third Place (11.02 points:2 1sts, 2 2nds, 1 3rd)

Dave Bance, Third Place, Category 1  – Pale Lagers
Jeremy Olson, Second Place, Category 2 – Pilsners
James Henjum, First Place, Category 6 – Bock
Richard Helps, Third Place, Category 7, Cream Ale
James Cotner, Third Place, Category 8 – Light Hybrid
Dave Bance, Second Place, Category 11 – Pale British Ale
James Henjum, Second Place, Category 14 – American IPAs
Richard Helps, First Place, Category 16 -Other Strong Ales
Dave Bance, Honorable Mention, Category 16 – Other Strong Aless
Ross Winberg (co-brewer Jessica Haverly), First Place, Category 17 – European Sour Ales
Richard Helps, Second Place, Category 18 – Belgian, French and German Ales
Joe Kinney, First Place, Category 19 – Saison
Garrick Van Buren, Third Place, Category 20 – Trappist and Belgian Strong Ales

Steve Fletty, Second Place, Category 26- Fruit Mead: Cyser and Pyment
Richard Helps, First Place, Category 27 – Fruit Mead: Berry/Stone Fruit/Melomel
Richard Helps, Second Place, Category 28 – Spice, Herb and Vegetable Mead
James Cotner, Second Place, Category 30 – Ciders and Perries

Full Results: