April 2015 Club Meeting: Tue Apr 7th 7pm @ Urban Growler

Urban Growler2325 Endicott StreetSaint Paul, MN 55114


Just a reminder that our April meeting will be meeting at Urban Growler, a relatively new taproom owned by Jill Pavlek and Deb Loch (the first women-owned and -brewed in St. Paul, according to their website).  Deb will be there to give us a tour of their brewery, and I suspect, give us some good brewing info.

She is a former member of SPHBC and has been a prominent figure in the local homebrewing community (more info about each of them can be found here: http://www.urbangrowlerbrewing.com/about-urban-growler/).

PLEASE NOTE:  They have asked us not to carry-in anything, so unfortunately we may not bring any homebrew to this meeting.  However, they usually have a wide selection on tap.  They do have a kitchen:  come early, grab a pint, and get some food!

Feb 2015 Club Meeting: 7p Feb 3rd @ Republic in Seven Corners

REPUBLIC at Seven Corners(612) 338-6146221 Cedar Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55454If you’ve entered the Mashout, bring some of the beer and recipes with your score sheets.  Get some help understanding judges’ comments, identify off-flavors mentioned in the comments and more importantly, suggestions on how to fix those problems.  Also, they have pub trivia starting at 9:00 Tuesday nights if anyone is looking to stick around after the meeting.  Start thinking of clever team names now.

April 2015 Club Meeting: 7p April 7th, Urban Growler

Urban Growler2325 Endicott StreetSaint Paul, MN 55114http://www.urbangrowlerbrewing.com/In March, we will be meeting at Urban Growler, a relatively new tap room owned by Jill Pavlak and Deb Loch (the first women-owned and -brewed in St. Paul, according to their website).  Deb will be there to give us a tour of their brewery, and I suspect, give us some good brewing info.  She is a former member of SPHBC and has been a prominent figure in the local homebrewing community (more info about each of them can be found here: http://www.urbangrowlerbrewing.com/about-urban-growler/).  PLEASE NOTE:  They have asked us not to carry-in anything, so unfortunately we may not bring any homebrew to this meeting.  However, they do have a good selection on tap — I think it was close to ten beers when I was there.  They also have a kitchen and serve food.

January 2015 Club Meeting: 7pm Tue Jan 6 @ Muddy Pig

January’s meeting will be an officially sanctioned BJCP event.  Practice tasting together will earn you judging points!We will be turning our attention to judging in preparation for the Mashout.  For people who might be interested in helping with Mashout or other local competitions) we’ll discuss what it means to be a judge or steward, and other ways you can help out leading up to the event.  We’re planning to taste in groups and discuss what people are smelling and tasting to help people learn to evaluate a beer. Ross has offered to bring a Scottish 90 and a Scotch ale for tasting.Steve will be there accepting dues and issuing 2015 membership cards.

September 2014 Club Meeting: Tue Sep 9, 7-9p Town Hall (Seven Corners)

The September meeting will be held the Tuesday, September 9, at Town Hall (Seven Corners).  We will meet at the usual time, 7:00-9:00.1430 Washington Ave. SMinneapolis, MN 55454http://www.townhallbrewery.comBring your homebrew.  At this point there is no theme for the September meeting, so let Eric, Steve, or me (aric.daul@gmail.com) know if there is anything in particular that you might want discussed.