May 2024 Club Meeting

Image of Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, May 7th, 7 – 9 p.m.
This month’s topic: Steve has a schedule conflict, so Dave Bance will be talking about cleaning and sanitation in the parts of the brewery kit and fermentation/ kegging equipment that people don’t clean often enough, or even don’t think to clean.

The 2024 membership cards are in, and as such, a monthly reminder about 2024 club dues. This gets you guilt-free SPHBC benefits and merriment, and any other deals which might be scrounged up. Click here to get yourself back in the club’s good graces:

As usual, bring your latest and greatest homebrew, mead, cider, cyser and whatnot for sampling and feedback – bring your notebooks. Leave your ego at home.

Northern Brewer World Headquarters – 2221 MN-36, Roseville, MN (

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