September 2022 Club Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, September 6th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

Meeting Agenda
No set agenda, no challenge this month, perhaps some talk of yeast and malt and invert, oh my! Plus the typical tomfoolery that one expects at a Saint Paul Homebrewers club meeting.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring cash or your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have some homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

The Results are In … 2022 Minnesota State Fair Homebrew Competition

Image of Saint Paul Homebrewers Club logo and Minnesota Home Brewers Association logo.

Remote Judging
July 30th-August 14th

Best of Show – Mead/Cider: Steve Fletty, All the Passions (M2E: Melomel)

Minn-kasi CompetitionRichard Helps, fifth overall

Dave Bance, Gold, Kolsch – A Tall Kolsch One
Richard Helps, Gold, American Wheat and Cream Ale – Spotted Fawn
Ross Winberg, Gold, Other British and Irish Ales – Midlands Mild
Richard Helps, Bronze, Strong Ales – Spotted Dc English Yummy
James Cotner, Bronze, American Porter and Stout –Ukrainian Stout
Michael Spores, Bronze, American Wild Ales – Swan Song Sour
James Cotner (co-brewer: Ross Winberg), Smoked, Wood and Specialty – Voss-øl

Steve Fletty, Gold, M2E: Melomel – All the Passions
Richard Helps, Gold, Fruit & Spice, Spice, Herb or Vegetable – Spotted Raspberry Habenero

Complete results:
(results open in new window)

Mead Day 2022 … August 6th!

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

NO AUGUST MEETING on the first Tuesday of the month! Instead, we are meeting up for Mead Day on Saturday, August 6th.

Guillermo and Amanda have volunteered to host Mead Day on August 6th. Given feedback from the group, we will cancel the standing August 2nd club meeting and have the August meeting during mead day. This begins around 1 p.m. at their place in Minneapolis.

Club members, check your email for the address from the club listserv (you are subscribed to the club listserv, right?).

Not a member but want to see how mead is made? Click on the comment link below to send us your email address (we won’t publish the comment here – but will use it to get your email address) and will send the address to you.

We will make a batch of club mead and split it among the members who participate in mead day.

Bring something to grill and something to share. Any extra chairs would be appreciated.  And mead. Bring mead.  

Another benefit of attending Mead Day 2022: pick up bags of malt donated by Northern Brewer to use for the October club Brew the Style Challenge. We have multiple free bags to distribute to club members. 

The October club Brew the Style Challenge will be to brew a beer using this malt bill and then any yeast/hops/other flavors you want:

– Rahr 2-row 11 lbs
– Vienna 1.5 lbs
– Briess Caramel 40L 0.5 lbs
– Briess Caramel 80L 0.5 lbs

July 2022 Club Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, July 5th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

Meeting Agenda
The Brew the Style challenge for this month is Farmhouse yeast challenge. Saison, kveik .. who knows what SPHBCers will bring to this meeting for sampling and feedback. Plus the typical nonsense that one expects at a Saint Paul Homebrewers club meeting.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring cash or your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have some homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

Congratulations, Steve Fletty and Jeremy Olsen

Photo of AHA National Homebrew Competition medal.  And a beer.

Congratulations to Steve Fletty and Jeremy Olsen for bringing home medals from the American Homebrewers Association National Homebrew Competition, held June 21st-23rd in Pittsburgh, PA.

Steve ventured back into beers this year, taking the Bronze Medal in Category 34 – Specialty Beers with his Honey Saison.

Jeremy took the Silver Medal in Category 38 – Pyment.

Full results: (opens in a new tab)

June 2022 Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, June 7th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

June Meeting Agenda
Nothing specifc on the agenda … there will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring cash or your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have some homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

2022 Minnesota State Fair Home Brew Competition

The Minnesota State Fair Home Brew Competition is gearing up for 2022. And we need your help.

Image of Saint Paul Homebrewers Club logo and Minnesota Home Brewers Association logo.

The Saint Paul Homebrewers Club and the Minnesota Home Brewers Association run this annual event, one of the biggest competitions in the state.

Account registration: Now Open
Entry Registration: Begins May 20th
Entry Drop-off (local)/Shipments Accepted: July 1st – 21st
Sort: July 31st
Judging: August 1st through August 14th (remote/small group judging)

Sign up to enter. Sign up to help out:

May 2022 Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, May 3rd, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

May Meeting Agenda
Brew the Style returns for the May meeting! Bring your SMASH (single malt and single hop) beer to the meeting, along with your brewing notes. Plus there will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have some homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

April 2022 Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, April 5th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

April Meeting Agenda
No formal agenda nor style to discuss (though Brew the Style returns for the May meeting, so jump on that if you want to bring your favorite SMASH beer to the May meeting). There will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have some homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

March 2022 Meeting

SPHBC logo Drinky the Viking.

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so.

This meeting: Tuesday, March 1st, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

March Meeting Agenda
Time to talk about meetings going forward and what members want for the club. And, there will be beer and mead and cider and typical nonsense. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

The very kind folks – and Kris – at Bent Brewstillery ( have invited us to have this month’s meeting at their place! Bring your credit card and tip well.

Other Stuff
As always, if you have some homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.