July 2021 Meeting

Decorative image of "Drunky the Viking."

Not a club member? Not a problem!
Just stop on by. This meeting. Another meeting. Whenever it works for you. Meetings are informal and tend to last about two hours or so. Often followed by a trip to a local establishment, if’n folks are inclined.

This meeting: Tuesday, July 6th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.!

July Meeting Agenda
No set agenda, but rumor is that there will could be a blind tasting of ciders.

Plus more beer and mead and cider and typical senselessness. That’s what the Saint Paul Homebrewers do.

This one is at Jeremy’s home is Minneapolis. Check your email for information. If not a member and interested in attending, post a comment here – we won’t publish it but will use it to get the meeting information to you.

Thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you have homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring it! Along your recipe and brewing notes.  Leave your ego at home.

2021 Minnesota State Fair Home Brew Competition

There’s a Fair … in the air!

Dust off your equipment and clear your calendar to help out with judging and toting beers and such, because the Minnesota State Fair Home Brew Competition is BACK for 2021! And we need your help.

SPHBC and the Primary Fermenters run this (mostly) annual event, one of the biggest competitions in the state.

Important Dates:
Account registration: Now Open
Entry Registration: Begins June 14th
Sort: August 7th
Judging: August 7th through August 22nd (remote/small group judging)

Sign up to enter. Sign up to help out: https://mnstatefair.brewcomp.com

May 2021 Meeting

Image of a toe dipping in water

(Nearly) Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.

This meeting: Tuesday, May 4th.

Mask up, people … we’re gonna try to do this one in person. So, grab a beer or cider or mead. Or any combination of them. Find some pants (you remember those). And join us at Asa’s place. Both hosts are fully vaccinated. We can spread out in the garage, patio.

And seriously, mask up if attending.

Meeting information will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list.

April 2021 Meeting

A screen shot of a Zoom meeting.

(Nearly) Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.

This meeting: Tuesday, April 6th.

There was talk of a hybrid meeting this month, but April showers and all that so it is going to be an online meeting via Zoom. Unless the forecast changes greatly and someone with a big yard offers up space for the physically-distanced in-person contingent.

So, grab a beer or cider or mead. Or any combination of them. Grab your computer or tablet or phone and join up. We will be discussing meetings in the coming months, what folks are brewing or fermenting, competitions and such. Drop in if and when you can.

Not a member but want to attend via Zoom? Put a note in the comments to this page with your name and email address and we will get the information to you (comments remain unpublished until approved by one of us, so we just won’t publish your information but will get the meeting information to you).

Club Members – Meeting information (Zoom meeting URL) will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list.

March 2021 Meeting

A screen shot of a Zoom meeting.

(Nearly) Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.

This meeting: Tuesday, March 2nd.

Gonna be an online meeting via Zoom. Grab a beer or cider or mead. Or any combination of them. Grab your computer or tablet or phone and join up. We will be discussing meetings in the coming months, with temperatures rising, daylight extending and vaccinations well underway, the National AHA competition and the typical buffoonery and silliness with some actual information added. Drop in if and when you can.

Not a member but want to attend via Zoom? Put a note in the comments to this page with your name and email address and we will get the information to you (comments remain unpublished until approved by one of us, so we just won’t publish your information but will get the meeting information to you).

Club Members – Meeting information (Zoom meeting URL) will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list.

February 2021 Meeting

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting.

(Nearly) Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.

This meeting: Tuesday, February 2nd. Gonna be an online meeting via Zoom. Grab a beer or cider or mead. Or any combination of them. Grab your computer or tablet or phone and join up.

Not a member but want to attend via Zoom? Put a note in the comments to this page with your name and email address and we will get the information to you (comments remain unpublished until approved by one of us, so we just won’t publish your information but will get the meeting information to you).

Club Members – Meeting information (Zoom meeting URL) will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list.

January 2021 Club Meeting

A screen shot of a Zoom meeting.
(Nearly) Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.

This meeting: Tuesday, January 5th. Gonna be an online meeting via Zoom. Grab a beer or cider or mead. Or any combination of them. Grab your computer or tablet or phone and join up. Reckon there will be talk of upcoming competitions and ghosts of Christmases past.

Not a member but want to attend via Zoom? Put a note in the comments to this page with your name and email address and we will get the information to you (comments remain unpublished until approved by one of us, so we just won’t publish your information but will get the meeting information to you).

Club Members – Meeting information (Zoom meeting URL) will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list.

December 2020 Meeting

Image of a Zoom meeting

(Nearly) Always the first Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9ish p.m.

This meeting: Tuesday, December 1st. Gonna be an online meeting via Zoom. Grab a beer or cider or mead. Make a snack (why not?). Grab your computer or tablet or phone and join up.

Not a member but want to attend via Zoom? Put a note in the comments to this page with your name and email address and we will get the information to you (comments remain unpublished until approved by one of us, so we just won’t publish your information but will get the meeting information to you).

Club Members – Meeting information (Zoom meeting URL) will be sent out to through the SPHBC email list.

The Results are in … 2020 Hoppy Halloween

Judged over the month of October 2020
Fargo, North Dakota

Category 2: Pilsners – Jeremy Olsen, Silver, Pilsy McPils Face
Category 11 – English Brown and Mild – Aric Daul, Gold, Five Gallons of Yeast Starter

Category 24 – Fruit Mead 1 – Jeremy Olsen, Gold, Pomegranate
Category 24 – Fruit Mead 1 – Jeremy Olsen Silver, Pyment
Category 26 – Spice & Specialty Mead – Jeremy Olsen, Silver, Pyramids And Sphinxes

Full Results:
http://hoppyhalloween.com/results.htm (opens in new window)