Next club meeting is Tuesday July 6th at The Happy Gnome. Bring your beers and your earmuffs.
SPHBC June meeting.
The June meeting will be at the National Homebrewers Convention.There will not be a meeting at the Happy Gnome on Tuesday June 1st.Normal service will be resumed in July.
Next club meeting.
This Saturday, May 1st, the SPHBC May meeting will be at the Big Brew behind Northern Brewer. Come and see the club’s 40gal system. We are starting at about 10:00.
Entries for First Round Nationals: Drop Off Details
SPHBC Memebers message:Drop off your entries by Friday night at the Northern Brewer retail store (the retail store closes at 7pm).Members can check the SPHBC discussion group for more details.
A star is born!
Check out our own Curt Stock as he is featured, dare I say starring in this feature from KPHO, Arizona? This is a red letter day for SPHBC; Curt stars on TV and Kristen and Ron Pattinson have their book 1909! Beer style guide published.
Club Meeting news….
There won’t be a February meeting at the Happy Gnome. Come an help at Mash Out the weekend before!The March and April meetings are OK. There won’t be a May meeting at the Happy Gnome but we may have a big brew instead so watch here for details….
Firkinfest! Cask beer festival at the Happy Gnome.
The Happy Gnome is hosting a Cask Beer Festival on March 20th 2010. Watch the Happy Gnome website for details.
Don’t forget Mash Out
Entries for UMMO are due by Feb 18th. Don’t leave it too late. Go to Mash Out to enter your winning beer or mead, volunteer to judge or steward. Be a part of the nearly biggest home brew competition in the country.
January meeting TONIGHT (1/5/10) @ 7pm and info on the next CoC
This is a reminder that we’ll have our January meeting at the
Happy Gnome at 7pm, Tuesday the 5th. As the Upper Mississippi Mashout
registration is now open, we’ll do a short tutorial on how to enter.
We’ll also use this as a chance to give/get advice on any beers you
are unsure about or need to decide which category or subcategory to
If you’re not familiar with BJCP style guidelines yet, you might want to look through before the meeting: on the next CoC from TechTalk:
“The Club Only competition coming up for February is English Brown Ale
and is hosted by The Impaling Alers. We’re calling it “The Session
Challenge”. Entry information is located at the AHA site and in the
current issue of Zymurgy. Entries are due at Larry’s Brewing Supply on
or before Tuesday February 16th, 2010. (Larry’s is closed on Sundays
and Mondays) Judging will be held on Saturday February 20th, 2010.
Rattle those kettles!”
Upper Mississippi Mash Out 2010
Entries are now being accepted for the 2010 Mash Out