October Club Meeting

The October SPHBC meeting will be held Tuesday October 4th 7pm upstairs at the Happy Gnome!  [NOTE: This date was corrected, previously was listed as 10/6]
If you want to bring a beer for consideration as an entry to the Specialty/Experimental/Historical Beers competition please do so.
If you want comments on your brews: Bring at least 2 12 ounce bottles to make it around the room, they should be labeled with Your Name, and Style (without labels it is chaos). Also, bring your recipe & brewing notes because you will be questioned about your ingredients and brewing process. You cannot expect recommendations for improvements on a beer if you don’t remember what’s in it!

September Club Meeting

Fletty passed around some traditional mead from various varietals of honey for sample and discussion, including: raspberry, blackberry, tupelo,  a blend of the 3, and an ’09 fruit mix. Jeff follwed with mystery beers, where we had to guess if they were pro or homebrewed. Some of the comments included…
“This makes my beer taste better.”
– Richard
“Pliny is like Bud Lite compared to this shit.”
– Fletty

December Club Meeting

Our monthly club meeting will be as usual at the Happy Gnome on Tuesday December 7th at about 7:00pm. NOTE THE MEETING LOCATION HAS CHANGED TO STEVE FLETTY’S HOUSE in Falcon Heights / St. Paul. There is no specific topic this month; bring your beers for sharing and feedback and bring questions. Halvo may be going over brewing software. Eric will tell you why you should help out with sorting UMMO entries, subliminal suggestion may be used, or the promise of free beer will entice you to volunteer.

Nov 2010 Club Meeting

The next SPHBC meeting is Tuesday November 2nd @ 7pm at The Happy Gnome in St. Paul.We will be hosting John Leinenkugel for a talk and sampling of Big Eddy Imperial Stout. They should be to the Gnome by around 6:45pm and will be the first item on our “agenda”.”Big Eddy Russian Imperial Stout, at 9.5% alcohol by volume, boasts a selection of eleven malts and grains, balanced by three distinct hops. Munich, Caramel and Chocolate malts combine with classic Pale and Pale Ale malts to provide a rich, dry character balancing Big Eddy’s hoppy assertiveness provided by Warrior, Summit and Glacier hops.”The 2007 edition of this beer was brewed at their small 10th Street brewery in Milwaukee, I have no idea if the same applies for the 2010 edition but the last time I had it it was a very nice beer.http://www.ratebeer.com/beer/leinenkugels-big-eddy-imperial-stout/78733/http://www.bizjournals.com/milwaukee/stories/2010/10/04/daily50.htmlWe’ll also talk about the upcoming Upper Mississippi Mash Out and, as usual, feel free to bring your homebrew to share.

AUGUST Club meeting this Saturday Aug 7th

The monthly meeting will be at Northern Brewer at the Mead Day thing on Saturday August 7th.
Elections for Pres and VP will be held.

iPod touch and iPhone apps.
Here are some free Beer related apps for your iPod or iPhone:

iTrivia Beer!
Brew Smarts
Avery Brewing Co.
Tap Hunter
Sparge Pal
BeerAlchemy Viewer

These are not free:

Brew Pal    0.99c
Get Hoppy 0.99c
My Brew    $1.99