April 2018 Meeting Rescheduled 4/10

Due to weather, the April meeting is moved to the SECOND Tuesday in April, the 10th, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

April Meeting Agenda
We will be taking a closer look at an ingredient loved in some styles and loathed in others:  crystal malt.  What is it?  How is it different from base malt?  What can it contribute to a beer?  How can you use it?  We will be evaluating several US and UK crystal malts covering a broad range of the Lovibond scale to see (and taste) how they compare to one another.

Additionally, there will an off flavor session, something we will be rolling out with more frequency at meetings.  This month: pfenolic/plasticy-y

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meetings in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).  Again, thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring a homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.

May 2018 Club Challenge: 5B. Kölsch

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

May Style
Kolsch.  Some members will be bringing their version of the recipe below, but if you have you own, please bring it to share and discuss.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meetings in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).  Again, thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring a homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.

May Style Challenge Recipe
If you don’t already have a recipe or are just looking for another to try, this sample comes from Jeremy Olsen:

     5B. Kölsch
5 gallons
IBU 25

     95% German Pils Malt
5% Vienna BU

     1 oz Hallertauer (5%AA) 60 minutes

     Mash at 149F
90 minute boil
Ferment at 60 degrees with WLP029 or Wyeast 2565
Lager for 4 weeks

March Meeting 3/6/18

First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Not a member?
Join us for the meeting.  This one.  Another one.  Whenever.

March Style
Do you like light, refreshing beers? Then you will hate the March meeting of SPHBC. We will devote it to a single style, imperial stouts. There will be a brief intro to the style followed by some pointers on judging. Then we will distribute examples for tasting and evaluation in small groups. There will be a very simplified score sheet to help with the judging. This is an opportunity to taste great imperial stouts, to refresh (or initiate) your judging skills, and to see how your perceptions compare to others. Of course there will be time for whatever home brew you want to bring to share and get feedback.

Northern Brewer on Grand Avenue (https://tinyurl.com/NBStPaul) is kindly keeping the door open for this meetings in their Grand Avenue store (thankyouverymuch!) and is happy to honor your SPHBC discount on supplies while there (and, again, the next day, when you are back to pick up the Starsan or bottle caps or whatever you forgot to buy during the meeting).  Again, thank you Northern Brewer!

Other Stuff
As always, if you bring a homebrew or mead or cider (or whatever), bring along your recipe and brewing notes.

Remember that the next “Brew the Style” challenge is Kölsch (BJCP 5B) for the May meeting … if you have something good, get brewing.

June 2017 Club Meeting: 7:00-9:00 June 6 @ Bang Brewing

We are allowed to bring beer to share, but please make sure you thank Jay accordingly by buying beer from the bar and tip him well. We are very fortunate to be able to hold our meeting at his brewery.

Please bring a couple bottles ​(a label with your name and beverage will be helpful!) ​​of anything that you have signed up to be served at Club Night and Social Club for Home Brew Con. We will be collecting the bottles at the meeting, and a group of us will be tasting everything at a ​later​ date, before the conference. If you are unable to attend please let me know so that we can collect your bottles ahead of time.

Ross and Guillermo will have samples of their parti-gyle, and William has put together a blind tasting of 4 beers to compare yeasts. Both will be fairly informal, but should be interesting and informative.

May 2017 Club Meeting: 7:00-9:00 May 2 @ Northern Brewer St. Paul

Wheat, wheat, and more wheat!

The third in our series of style-themed meetings, we’ll be talking (and tasting) wheat beers this month.

Bring your American Wheat (Cat 1D) and German Wheat beers (Cat 10) to share.  Also, don’t forget to bring your recipe if you’d like to get the most feedback.

Club Meeting — Tuesday, April 4

We will be meeting Tuesday, April 4 from 7:00-9:00 at Northern Brewer- St. Paul.

This month the focus will be on base malt.  Yes, base malt:  that stuff often described only as 2-row that composes most of your grain bill yet rarely gets more than a passing thought when cobbling together a recipe.  We will (hopefully) shed some light on the differences between popular pale malts, why you should care what you’re using, and how to determine what might work best for your recipe.

Mar 2017 Club Meeting – 7p Mar 7th @ Northern Brewer St. Paul

Ross and Alejandro will be providing an overview of strains offered by Omega Yeast Labs, now carried by NB.

Alejandro will have a couple beers made using yeasts currently available only from OYL.

Take a look at the attached spreadsheet comparing the strains from the OYL, White Labs, and Wyeast catalogs. Though there is likely some variation between manufacturers, in many instances the comparable strains will be pretty similar if you need to make a substitution because your go-to yeast is not available.